Members to click here to contact Trish Non-members to click here to email Wu Shu Kwan Click here to email Wu Shu Kwan Members click here to contact Trish
  Country: England    Area/City/Town: London SW7     Location: South Kensington

Saturdays  4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Gym (3rd Floor)
Students Union Building
Beit Quad
Imperial College
Prince Consort Road
South Kensington
London SW7 2BB

Nearest Underground:
     South Kensington

Security Arrangement:
     If you don't train at these classes regularly,
     please contact the instructor
     before turning up for training
     Gustave 07858 251485
     Arash 07780 704578
     Camila 07949 784576
     Pritesh 07584 612620

Instructor (Principal):
     Senior Master
     Gustave Salako
     5th Degree Black Belt


Awarded Black Belt:



     07858 251485 (mobile)

     * No photography or videoing allowed
     * Please use your mobile phone outside




Gustave is one of the high-ranking martial artists in the world who can break 3 house bricks with a mighty chop.
The chop was so powerful that it pulverises the bricks sending the shattered pieces flying.


Gustave breaking a stack of 12 roofing tiles with his bare fist.


Gustave (right) showing his son Frank how to neutralise a kick.


Gustave breaking 4 pieces of wood with a powerful side kick.


Gustave chopping 2 house bricks with his hand.


Gustave chopping 4 building blocks at a demonstration in CERN, Switzerland 2014


Gustave breaking 5 building blocks, placed on a table, with a side kick
(Photo taken in CERN, Switzerland 2014)


Instructor (Deputy):
     Senior Master
     Arash Jamali
     3rd Degree Black Belt, BEng (Hons), MEng


Awarded Black Belt:



     07780 704578 (mobile)


Arash breaking 3 pieces of wood with a side kick.


Arash breaking 2 house bricks with a powerful chop.


Visiting Instructor:
     Senior Master Instructress
     Camila Lake-Thomson
     2nd Degree Black Belt, BA


Awarded Black Belt:



     07949 784576 (mobile)


Camila breaking a building block with a side kick.


Camila breaking 2 building blocks with a chop.


Camila breaking 2 pieces of wood with a side kick.


Camila breaking a stack of 8 roofing tiles with a punch.


Instructor (Assistant):
     Dr Pritesh Mehta
     2nd Degree Black Belt, MSci, MRes, PhD

Awarded Black Belt:


     +44 7584 612620 (mobile)



Pritesh punching a stack of roofing tiles.


Pritesh breaking 2 pieces of wood with a side kick.


At a Wu Shu Kwan demonstration in CERN (Geneva, Switzerland), Pritish chopping a building block with his bare hand.


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